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Use :

Conception en bureau d’étude d'ingénierie

Characteristics  :

    FITPLAK is designed to answer the major part of the protocols of training, physical preparation and functional reeducation, patented in the INPI, in recyclable thermoplastic material, all its technical aspects were developed in engineering consulting firm R&D : O&C sarl

New characteristics :

PPE polypropylene, plastic of class Recyclable 100 % used for food packaging and medical devices

Developed for the handicap and accessible to all

Foldable in both senses for easy use


Silent use

Weight of low transport approximately 20 kg with all the accessories

The Resistance in the use > in 400 kg

Orderly accessories inside : rest bar, training bar, belts and allowing handles as over 100 exercises

Use with two resistance system to answer all the muscular needs : training, reeducation, performances...

- The system of exponential resistances (rubber bands) is available in several resistances of strengths and lengthes.

- The system of linear resistances ( spring pulleys) is calculated in Kilogram of 1, 5,10, 20, 30 kg and more. (Under development).

These two systems are complementary one to another and were never associated on the same device.

here !Technic_Innovation_files/MANUEL%20FITPLAK%20REF%20FK2.pdf